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Presented by Goldenvoice: New Gold Standard

An Interview with Nimino

Who is your dream artist you’d love to collaborate with and why?

Maybe The Pharcyde? In particular Bootie Brown & Fatlip - I know I make housey music nowadays, but I’m pretty sure that their flow is what put the swing into my style, so to put the two together in an original tune would close a circle for me.

Do you have any upcoming projects you'd like to share?

I’ve been building the visuals that are going behind my shows myself - it’s been a looooong ting, but I’m almost at a stage where I’m super proud to show them out. I’ve always dreamed of having a perfectly matched cinematic experience going on behind me whilst I play tunes, and as the years go on I’m getting closer and closer.

What is your favorite track from your discography? Any deep cuts?

“Refute” will always hold a special place for me, not because it’s about anything in particular, but I must have released that over 10 years ago, so the fact that it still has any kind of effect on me this far down the line must mean it’s got something special inside of it.

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Not so much a ritual but I like to put myself in the headspace that I’m actually just at a friend’s party, and anyone who’s excited to see me is just a friend I haven’t seen in a few years. It kinda settles the nerves and takes the pressure off me, whilst getting me excited for the night.

Do you have any advice for young electronic artists?

If you’re gonna make music, make music for you.

If you’re gonna make content, make content for the music.

Also, The Kount [music producer] once said, “People who are worried about ‘giving away too much sauce’ must have a limited amount of sauce” and that’s stuck with me for years.

Fill in the blank: "I only _____ when I _____.”

I only get intensely paranoid when I smoke weed.